Symposium (Jan 09)

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Attendees watch the Inauguration broadcast before the Symposium begins.
Steve Weisberg explains the goals of the Symposium during the opening session.
Shelly Moore presents the results of marine debris research.
Representatives from SCCWRP member agencies attended the Symposium.
Ken Schiff gives an overview of the Bight regional monitoring program.
Attendees enjoy lunch in the courtyard.
Attendees interact over lunch.
Ken Schiff gives a tour of SCCCWRP facility.
Steve Weisberg gives a tour of SCCWRP laboratories
Attendees return from the facility tour.
Poster session in the courtyard.
Attendees check out the poster session.
Dario Diehl demonstrates a benthic sediment camera.
Wayne Litaker from NOAA shows attendees how to measure domoic acid during a lab demonstration session.
Yiping Cao presents a lab method for rapidly evaluating bacteria using qPCR.
Symposium attendees.
Attendees sign up for the Annual Report mailing list.
Please credit images to SCCWRP.